Website Rewrite, Grace Christian Fellowship

Client: Grace Christian Fellowship is a small non-denominational church in upstate NY.

Project: They asked me to rewrite their old website’s homepage & sermons page and write a leadership page with bios for each pastor.

The church wants to evoke an inviting atmosphere & vividly paint a picture of what visiting would look like online so that the community will feel welcome & excited to visit.

Target audience: The local community. The church is situated in a small-town, country environment. 

Tone: Warm & hospitable

Strategy: For the homepage, I shared their church motto above the fold and a button to the live streaming for easy access. Because we wanted the reader to quickly discover what visiting could look like and learn about the leadership, I provided clear descriptors for these pages with action buttons.

I wanted this homepage to clearly convey their love for God, each other, and the community, so I included a brief welcome section to convey these values.

For the leadership page, I wrote short bios that explained each role of the leading individuals in the church. I also included a few personal details in each bio to give a humanized element to them. 


Sales Email, Macy's (Spec)


Landing Page, DoorDash (Spec)